28 august

Youth from 4 countries gather in Moldova to discuss human rights

In the framework of the “Youth in Action” project, a youth exchange was held in Vadul lui Voda town (near Chisinau) that gathered 33 young human right activists from Moldova, Germany, Portugal and Belarus.

The youth exchange, “Speak up for Rights”, was dedicated to discussing issues pertaining to human right observance, gender equality, situations in the countries concerned, exchange of experience etc.

German team leader Darko Mitevski, Chairman of the NaturKultur non-governmental organization, said that the project is called to unite human right activists from the 4 countries to let them learn more about human-right problems existing in each country and to try and find solutions.

“Why is the German non-governmental organization more interested in the problem of human rights in Moldova than a majority of citizens in Moldova? Debates and joint seminars should help us the activists to struggle for human rights in our home countries. It would be naïve to believe that right after the seminar completion its participants will start changing the world to the better. But the seminar will influence on the young people and their actions in the future”, he said.

Moldovan team leader Svetlana Cociu of the Family Planning Association said that in the seminar framework, its participants visited three local non-governmental organizations working in the sphere of defending human rights and sexual minority rights – the Amnesty International Moldova, the GenderDoc-M Information Center, and the Youth Peer Network”.